SunFounder New Uno R3 Project Super Starter Kit For Arduino UNO R3 Mega2560 Mega328 Nano - Including 73 Page Instructions Book

Groß SunFounder New Uno R3 Project Super Starter Kit For Arduino UNO R3 Mega2560 Mega328 Nano - Including 73 Page Instructions Book das kannst du jetzt haben. Dieses produkt hat gute qualität und natürlich mit erschwinglichen preis können sie es haben.

19 Projects for beginners:

Lesson 1 Blinking LED
Lesson 2 Controlling LED by Button
Lesson 3 Controlling LED by PWM
Lesson 4 Controlling LED by Potentiometer
Lesson 5 LED Flowing Lights
Lesson 6 RGB LED
Lesson 7 DC Motor Control
Lesson 8 LCD1602
Lesson 9 Serial Monitor
Lesson 10 7-Segment Display
Lesson 11 74HC595
Lesson 12 Dot-matrix Display
Lesson 13 NE555 Timer
Lesson 14 Rotary Encoder
Lesson 15 ADXL335
Lesson 16 Simple Creation - Light Alarm
Lesson 17 Simple Creation - Traffic Light
Lesson 18 Simple Creation - Digital Dice
Lesson 19 Simple Creation - Small Fan

Package included:

1x SunFounder UNO R3 board
1x Acrylic Breadboard Holder
1x RGB
1x Project Box
40x Pin Header
1x Timer 555
2x Optocoupler 4N35
2x Shift Resister 74HC595N
1x H-Bridge L293D
1x Accelerometer ADXL335
1x Rotary Encoder
5x Push-Button small
8x Resistor 220 Ohm
4x Resistor 1k Ohm
4x Resistor 10k Ohm
1x Resistor 1M Ohm
1x Resistor 5.1M Ohm
1x Switch
1x Trim Pot - 50k
1x LCD Character Display 16x2
1x Dot Matrix Display 8x8
2x 7-Segment Character Display
1x DC Motor
16x LED red
2x LED white
2x LED green
2x LED yellow
2x Transistor NPN
2x Transistor PNP
4x Capacitor Ceramic 100nF
4x Capacitor Ceramic 10nF
4x Diode Rectifier
1x Breadboard
1x USB Cable
65x Male to Male Jumper Wires
20X Female to Male Dupont wires
1x Piezo Buzzer
1x fan

SunFounder New Uno R3 Project Super Starter Kit For Arduino UNO R3 Mega2560 Mega328 Nano - Including 73 Page Instructions Book

  • Premium SunFounder Super Kit provides you tutorials to learn about Arduino, designed for beginners (also experienced hobbyists).
  • With detailed user manual containing 19 projects, code, Fritzing images, datasheets, and so on.
  • Quick-responding technical support for free.
  • Well-designed case for the package, inside which can be divided into 8 grids for storing the components by category.
  • The latest Sunfounder UNO R3 development board is included.